Festival Gourmet

During the central week of August, from 12 to 17th, the Terrace of the Grand Hotel becomes the stage for an exclusive Festival: night after night, a different theme, dedicated to excellence presented by a world-renowned producer. A gastronomic journey to discover tastes and aromas without borders. The buffet will feature appetizers, first and second courses, barbecues, live cooking, and, to finish, fresh fruit, ice cream, and desserts.

The evenings are open to everyone, even those who are not staying at the hotel, and have a cost of 80 euros per person, excluding beverages, every day except for Saturday, August 17th when the cost is 90 euros per person, excluding beverages. Children up to 3 years old are free while from 4 to 12 they pay 45 euros every day except Saturday which costs 50 euros.


Monday 12 August

Protagonists of the gourmet evening: TARTARE AND RAW FOOD

Amberjack, salmon, tuna... elegant and refined flavours, offered in tartare with fresh, Mediterranean combinations. All accompanied by a menu dedicated to Italy: from the Alps to the island of Pantelleria, dishes and specialties of the beautiful country with traditional and/or slightly revisited recipes.

Musical entertainment by Stefano Villani and Giulia Boria.


Tuesday 13 August

Protagonist of the gourmet evening: JAMON DE BELLOTA, CINCO JOTAS!

The most famous Pata Negra ham in the world, the national treasure of Spain, tasted with other specialties from the Iberian peninsula. The dinner will be accompanied by a menu dedicated to international recipes and dishes: flavors and aromas to travel with taste with stages ranging from the East to the Far West!

Musical entertainment by Tino Giunchi.


Wednesday 14 August

Protagonists of the gourmet evening: MONS & GILLARDEAU… Fromager affineur et Huitres

Tasting of French cheeses from Herbè Mons, master refiner with the title of "Meilleur Ouvrier de France" and another excellence of French gastronomy: Gillardeau oysters, a product considered the "Dom Perignon" of oysters, raised and aged in Marennes Oleron .

Musical entertainment by Amarcord Band Miss Eveline & Luciano Corcelli.


Thursday 15 August: GRAND AUGUST GALA preceded by the majestic aperitif. Find out more.

Musical entertainment by Muppets Band + Show Ballet Milano.


Friday 16 August

Protagonist of the gourmet evening: THE MORA ROMAGNOLA: THE QUEEN OF ROMAGNA.

Mora ham... the Mora Romagnola, a precious native breed that until a few years ago was at risk of extinction. Leonardo Spadoni has created a farm on the hills of Brisighella where blackberries live in a semi-wild state and feed in the natural world. With Officine Gastronomiche Spadoni we will have the opportunity to taste the Romagna blackberry in different preparations: from delicatessen to specialties cooked on the BBQ.

Musical entertainment by Fourseason Band.


Saturday 17 August


Carefully prepared based on the recipes published in the book dedicated to him and written by his sister Maddalena. Parmigiano Reggiano, Mortadella, Culatello di Zibello from Podere Cadassa will be protagonists on the land of the Dolce Vita for one evening. Fruit of the ancient art of Parma pork butchery, in Colorno, on the outskirts of Parma where the Bergonzi family preserves this ancient art.

Musical entertainment by Francesco Filizzola.



Access to the Terrace Dinners during the Gourmet Festival is allowed by purchasing the voucher by clicking the link below.
For information: 0541/56000, info@grandhotelrimini.com


Purchase the voucher

Grand Hotel Rimini

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